Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day 8

(another rotated photo--what is going on?)

12 more stitches outlining the heart--ecru pearl cotton really doesn't show up much on the congress cloth. If I didn't have so much other stitching to do I'd race ahead on this part of the project, but the discipline of the 12 stitches is at least giving me time to work on my other stitching!


  1. You have challenged me to take photos of my work. I am not able to work on my Gay Ann pieces right now, but hopefully I will join the classroom in working on my GARS. You are very lucky to have such a great selection of stash to work from. Next year I will be more bold in my purchases during e-week

  2. Hi Ann,

    You'll get there!

    At least you have had a chance to stitch! I finally picked up a needle again last night and decided today that I didn't like what I stitched so back out it comes. No it wasn't a Gay Ann piece. Sigh... :-)

    Windy Meadow
